8 Fat Burning Keto Snacks You Can Eat to Lose Weight Fast
I really like to snack… a lot. So I can either snack on foods that will help me burn fat and get in better shape. Or I can snack on foods that aren’t healthy and put fat on.
I’m guessing you like to snack as well. after all just relying on a few large meals every day can leave you feeling tired and sleepy between meal times.
Snacking on the keto diet is gong to be a little different from what ever you were used to before. You wont feel as hungry between meals when you are in ketosis.
But you are probably still going to want to snack. Or you might just opt to start snacking through out the day instead of eating every thing at one time.
The problem you are going to run into is that processed convince foods are the one doing the most damage to your health.
Even on a ketogenic diet. You really want to avoid highly processed foods. This can be a challenge, especially when you just want to grab a quick bite.
So in the long run is it worth damaging your body with junk food just because you didn’t take the time to prepare some healthy snacks?
I am big fan of the Ketogenic diet. Its a great way to lose weight have more energy and feel better in you body.
One of the biggest benefits about the keto diet, is the absolutely massive amount of delicious recipes you can eat.
That includes snacks.
A Little Back Ground On the Ketogenic Diet.
Before we get to the snack though I want to give you more information about the Ketogenic Diet, or Keto Diet.
This way you can understand the reasoning behind this list of keto snacks.
I want to help you understand how to make empowered decisions in regards to your health and diet.
The only way you can do that is if you understand how things work.
The Ketogenic Diet is A high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. the point of this diet is to get your body into a metabolic state non as “Ketosis”.
When you are in ketosis your body burns fat, in the form of Ketones, instead of sugar,(glucose) for energy.
This is going to go against pretty much every thing you have been taught about nutrition.
Remember the food pyramid? bread, pasta, grains down at the bottom forming the base, fats and oils up top?
This diet is pretty much the opposite of that. which if you think about is kind of mind blowing.
Everything you learned about how to eat, isnt going to help you lose weight.
You are going to be eating fat to burn fat and lose weight. still on board? Great!
Keep in mind that not all fats are bad. Not even saturated fats. Its important to keep in mind what our pre civilized ancestors were eating. It wasn’t pizza and cake! It wasn’t Low fat cottage cheese!
Once you body becomes adapted the a ketogenic diet. you will stop producing insulin. this will let you body start burning fat.
8 Healthy Keto Snacks That
will help you Lose Weight.
Deviled/Hard Boiled Eggs
Eggs are a great source of Healthy fats and protein. 2 things you most definitely need on a ketogenic diet. preparing eegs like this allows you to take them with you and have them for snacks anytime you need.
Consider peeling your eggs at home and putting them in a reusable container with some nuts and cheese sticks for your own version of a snack pack!
I’m just throwing that out there because some of you might not want to be the person who’s peeling eggs in the break room! Get over it co-workers!
Deviled eggs a super tasty. I’m not sure I know Any one who doesn’t like them. if you are going to bother making some hard boiled eggs them you are just a few steps away from making tasty deviled eggs.
It is more work so I understand if you dont.
Pork Rinds
Pork Rinds?
Pork Rinds are full of fat and protein and have 0 carbs, which make them a great Keto Snack. provided you dont get the ones covered with sugar. Pork rinds are eaten all over the world. So its not just a cheap American junk food.
Pork rinds come in a variety of flavors so you can switch it up and keep from getting bored with your diet.
Bring an avocado with you and you’ve got an instant super food snack! avocados have lots of healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Specifically Vitamins K,E and C and a good amount of potassium.
To me Avocados are just an amazing food. it’s always sad how fast they can turn brown and mushy though.(That doesn’t really happen often in our house though, we eat them to fast!)
There are tons of great ways to enjoy avocados on a keto diet. just dont add anything with a lot of carbs.
Try putting some cottage cheese in the center and adding some pepper or other spices.
add cubed up avocado to a green salad to really elevate you lunch.
Or make some guacamole. I will usually just scoop out the avocado into a bowl and then add some salsa and mash them up. This is a great way to eat avocados that are a little soft.
And maybe to far gone for regular consumption.
Any way you do it avocados are a winning choice. One of the best Keto Snacks
I add this with a word of warning, lots of jerky have a lot of sugar added to them. so just read the labels. If possible find a local smoke house and see if they have any jerky that isn’t really sugary.
As always just watch you macros and have fun!
Cheese is great, if you can digest it. most cheese is totally fine as a keto snack. I like cheddar myself, but I’m also really in to Parmesan and Cream cheese.
That being said typically the creamier the cheese the better it is for a ketogenic diet. I love just having some Cheese, nuts and an avocado for a snack or smaller meal. These foods totally fill me up and gives me plenty of energy. best of all I’m eating whole foods, feeling full and burning fat while I do it.
for a super simple keto snack just grab some string cheese. doesn’t get much easier than that.
Nuts/Nut Butter
Nuts are a great source of quality fats and protein.
Tha’ts being said. not all nuts are created equal a far as the carb content. ( I’m looking at you cashews)! As all ways its important to make sure you are staying in your macros.
Here is a a quick list of some common nuts and there carb content
per 1 oz:
- Walnuts 1.9g
- coconut 2g
- almonds 2.9g
- peanuts 3.8g
- cashews 8.4
When eating nuts, and there tasty butters. Just keep the carbs in mind. Some people like to mix up nut butters with coconut oil or butter to up the fat content. You can do as you like. Be on the look out for nut butters with added sugars and polyunsaturated fats and vegetable oils.
Just dont go over board with nuts and you’ll have a great Keto snack ready at any time.
Salami and Pepperoni
Some sliced salami or pepperoni can go great with some cheese or wrapped around a cucumber stick. try having some with a handful of nuts. easy go food right here.
Olives are a great snack to eat while on the ketogenic diet. They are high in fat and pretty low in carbs. just check out the label and make sure you dont go over you macros.
olives are high in salt but you are going to need a decent amount of salt on the ketogentic diet anyway. So dont be afraid.
You can Eat More and Still Lose Weight
Don’t deprive your self of great food.
“Eat less” that’s what most diets are all about. Unfortunately this is only going to leave you hungry!
You only have so much will power and you are probably going to use that up at work or dealing with your kids. So why starve your self?
Eating less is absolutely the wrong approach to losing weight. It never has worked and it never will. Humans need high quality nourishing food to be at there best. Its that simple.
If you like eating then you just need to make sure you eat better. all of these snack on this list are better alternative to what you normally snack on.
Just because I just listed 8 snacks here. dont think that there aren’t hundreds of great foods to snack on. that’s what is so cool about eating healthy there are so many things you can eat! you aren’t limited
Always be prepared! when you are prepared with healthy snacks. you’ll win. if you dont then it will be a lot harder to avid the vending machine in the break room.
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