8 Most Effective Exercises to Reduce Inner Thigh Fat
8 Most Effective Exercises to Reduce Inner Thigh Fat
Many women have their own problem areas. And inner thighs are one of the most widespread ones. It`s very hard to get rid of body fat and tone the muscles of this zone. That`s why very often women just give up.
The thing is that in order to succeed you should find a perfectly targeted workout routine. Of course, if hitting a gym and working with an experienced trainer is not an option it seems frustrating.
Yet, it wouldn’t be fair not to share with you some of our knowledge. It happens so that we know of a perfect inner-thigh workout, which will grant you those perfect legs you have been dreaming about for a while not.
Just before we proceed, we would like to warn you that nothing comes out of nothing, and to achieve some result there is an amount of effort to spend. The more effort you devote to this exercise routine the better result you will get, so it is all up to you. one more thing, we can’t stop repeating that an effective workout routine is only half way there on the road to building perfect body. The other half is your diet plan. Pay attention to what you eat and keep working out – this is the recipe of your perfect body, that everyone will be jealous of. Determination is a sister of success!
#1 Side Plank Lift
![Credit: BetterMe](https://i.onthe.io/0fgjhs6n076usmmn3.806220fe.png)
Credit: BetterMe
-Lie on your right side and prop your upper body up on your right extended arm, palm flat on the floor.
-Extend your right leg straight out and point your toes. Bend your left knee and step your left foot flat on the floor just behind your right leg so that your hips stay stacked on top of each other in your plank position.
-Shift your weight into your left leg so that your right toe is lightly touching the floor. Squeeze your thighs together as you lift your right leg up to meet your left knee.
-Hold for 1 count and then lower. That’s one rep. Do 15 reps with your right leg, 15 with your left.
#2 Kneeling Adduction
![Credit: BetterMe](https://i.onthe.io/0fgjhs7t55qj4okn.d0b21e32.png)
Credit: BetterMe
READ MORE: Make Your Planks More Effective With These 3 Simple Tweaks
-Get down on your hands and knees with your palms flat on the floor and shoulder-width apart. Without allowing your lower-back posture to change, raise your right leg and bring it under your torso, crossing it in front of your left knee.
-Turn your right knee out to the side and place the outside of your right foot on the floor.
-Squeeze your inner thighs as you lift your right knee up off the floor, maintaining contact on the floor with your right foot. Lower your knee and then repeat, 15 times total on each leg.
#3 Weighted Inner-Thigh Lift
![Credit: BetterMe](https://i.onthe.io/0fgjhs1bug0gr644ig.f92c63d6.png)
Credit: BetterMe
-Lie on your right side with your right elbow bent below your shoulder and your left hand behind your head.
-Extend both legs out and then bend your left knee up to the ceiling, placing the bottom of your left foot on the inside of your right knee. Hover your right leg slightly off the floor with your foot flexed.
-Next, engage your inner thigh to lift your right leg higher. Slowly lower your leg back to hover above the floor. Repeat 15 times and then switch sides for 15 more reps.
#4 Low Lunge with Isometric Adduction
![Credit: BetterMe](https://i.onthe.io/0fgjhs6epsuk1gb6m.db4d3e7b.png)
-Place your hands on the floor on the inside of your right foot. Press your right knee into the outside of your right shoulder.
-Squeeze and hold the contraction for 10 counts. Release and push off the floor with your right leg to return to standing.
-That’s one rep. Repeat with the left leg to complete 1 set. Do 3 sets total.
#5 Sumo Squat Slide In
![Credit: BetterMe](https://i.onthe.io/0fgjhs22ohcarkoh5.7fcb747a.png)
Credit: BetterMe
-Stand with your feet together, knees and toes turned out about 45 degrees. Take a wide step out to the side with your right foot, and squat down as low as you can.
-Keep your back straight, drop your hips low, and reach your arms to the ground in front of you.
-As you stand up, slide your right foot into your left, squeezing your legs together until your heels touch, and reach your arms overhead.
-Step back out into your squat with your left foot and repeat 20 times total, switching legs each time.
#6 Shifting Side Lunge
![Credit: BetterMe](https://i.onthe.io/0fgjhs4hc2f996a01.a18e49c2.png)
Credit: BetterMe
-Start standing with legs slightly wider than shoulder distance apart and toes pointed forward.
– Shift your body weight to one leg bending the knee until it reaches a 90-degree angle and the other leg is straight.
-Glutes are pressing back behind you. Return to center and switch sides.
#7 Jump Squat
![Credit: BetterMe](https://i.onthe.io/0fgjhs6f45vipq2o8.da6dc77d.png)
Credit: BetterMe
-Start with your arms by your side, feet shoulder width apart, head up, and back straight.
-Keeping your back straight and chest up, squat down as you inhale until your upper thighs are parallel, or lower, to the floor.
-Now pressing mainly with the balls of your feet, jump straight up in the air as high as possible, using the thighs like springs. Exhale during this portion of the movement.
#8 Lateral Squats
![Credit: BetterMe](https://i.onthe.io/0fgjhsjnc41ig1s5g.94a8aa8b.png)
Credit: BetterMe
– Stand with bar on back in wide stance. Shift weight to one side and squat into lunge position.
– Weight bearing leg should be bent. Opposite leg should be straight.
– Push hips back and keep knee of bent leg above toes.
– Make sure toes of both feet point forward. Straighten bent leg, return to starting position.
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